What Is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is the future of money. It's the first decentralized digital currency that works peer-to-peer without needing a bank of central repository.
What Is Bitcoin Mining?
Mining is the backbone that allows Bitcoin to function. New Bitcoins are created as a reward for miners who secure & record payments in the blockchain.
Bitcoin Is Secure
Bitcoin miners help keep the Bitcoin network secure by approving transactions. Mining is an important and integral part of Bitcoin that ensures fairness while keeping the Bitcoin network stable, safe and secure.
Who Is Involved?
Over $1B of investment into Bitcoin and blockchain companies has taken place resulting in thousands of companies and hundreds of thousands of individuals involved from around the world.
What Is Bitcoin Mining?
Bitcoin mining is the process of adding transaction records to Bitcoin's public ledger of past transactions or blockchain. This ledger of past transactions is called the block chain as it is a chain of blocks. The block chain serves to confirm transactions to the rest of the network as having taken place.
Bitcoin nodes use the block chain to distinguish legitimate Bitcoin transactions from attempts to re-spend coins that have already been spent elsewhere.
Bitcoin nodes use the block chain to distinguish legitimate Bitcoin transactions from attempts to re-spend coins that have already been spent elsewhere.